Friday 3 April 2015

High School Life--- Year Five (Final Year)

  Hey, sorry for the long wait for this final year in High School--- Year Five, cos I kinda faced some problems and couldn't update my blog... ><
  So here it continues...

  I should have had six years of high school, but since I've changed to government school, it just took 5 years to finish high school unless we want to take another two years to finish till form 6(which needs two years to finish).

  So, how was year five? I would say, it sucked!!! Why? Because many bad memories are in this year.

  As I couldn't cope with the subjects in the account stream, I requested to change back to the art stream. As I was already used to the atmosphere and the people's habits here, I wasn't that annoyed by the things happening, and didn't feel so uncomfortable. The classmates weren't as friendly, but friendly enough to talk and show me my seat.

  As days passed by, we got to know each other more well and have more topics to chat about. But...
an incident simply broke the friendship that was just starting to build up.

  One day, our moral teacher came in late and I was sitting with them. He took a few scrolls which had words that wasn't that big for us to see from the back, and asked us to jot down the notes in the scrolls. He was famous of his laziness. So, I took my notepad and sit back with my friends to take down the notes, then he told me to sit back at my place. So, I tried to explain to him that I won't be able to take the notes from my place, as my sit was almost the last row, but I didn't know what got into him that day, he didn't even tried to listen to me explaining and kept pestering me to go back to my place, as he wasn't listening and kept pestering me, I had to raise my voice so that he can listen to me. As I raised my voice saying:" how do you expect me to copy when I can't see?!" , he suddenly yelled at me,:" I don't care, sit back to your place now! " As I stood up, I accidentally knock down my chair, and he thought that I was trying to protest, so he yelled again:" What kind of child are you? Trying to show me your power?!" I was getting more and more annoyed and anger was rising at fast speed. So, I took my chair back to my place, but he didn't stop yelling and blabbering at me. When I reach my seat, I continue to take down the notes, trying my best to strain my eyes to see the words.(He followed me to my place and continue blabbering.) Then he suddenly took my notepad away and tore away the page and scramble the paper and threw at my face,  yelling:" I'm talking to you!" This time, I really couldn't take it anymore. I yelled back at him:" You want me to jot down the notes, I'm jotting it down, WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW?!" "SHUT UP!!! " he yelled back at me. Then he continue with :" Show me your text book!" As he never used the text book, so to lighten our bag weights, we don't bring it to school anymore. Then he continue yelling:" Not bringing your text book, why did you come to school for?!"As I kept quiet, he yelled again, "Why aren't you answering me?! " So I said something that I feel so good until now "You ask me to shut up, that's what I'm doing! " (Ahh~ I still feel so good thinking back now.) "I'm going to let your class teacher know about this! ". That was his last words in class.  I didn't even cared a shit about it~

  After class, I went to find my account class friend and poured the whole story to her. I also told her, I don't understand why didn't those "friends" stood up for me? I forgot to tell her not to ask them personally until it was too late. One of them was already attacking me by posting status. So, that's how the whole building friendship thing came to an end. This incident happened around mid-year, so I had to take the other half year feeling left aside by them. Then, I found another group of friends, which was more of all the mix races, Chinese, Malay, Indian. They were more friendly and more sincere compared to the other group. I felt the feel of regret for not knowing them earlier. One of the malays even liked to be a chinese and loves chinese songs. So my other half year was mostly spent with them.  

  Another incident that sucked, there was this time when I had plans after my tuition in school, after class, I went to the ladies to change my clothes. Then when I was walking out from my school gate, I was blocked by a teacher, asking me:"Why are you dress in this?" I explain to her in a nice tone, that I've just finish class and having plans later on, and my mum is already waiting outside. She didn't bother about my explanation and wanted me to change back to my uniform. As it was running late, and she didn't want to let me go, I was worried to tears, and when she saw my mum getting down the car after waiting for such a long time, only did she let me go and pretend to say:" Aiyo, why didn't you explain earlier?" This didn't just ended like this. She was actually my English teacher. And in the next class, she told the whole incident in front of the whole class, which really did embarrassed me alot. She was such a shitty person. I was so happy to know she was expelled, due to some rumors of she wanting to take over the principles place. But I'm kinda sorry for her now. 

  When I just changed transferred to this school, I told myself, I'll never fall for anyone, till I met this guy, I can't remember how I first saw him. He was the same gang as the person I fought with, (year two) and the group of "friends" that turn against me now. But that didn't stop me from liking him. I remember when I was still in the accounting class, I and a friend of his, which was also my friends, sneak out from class to wish him happy birthday, and he invited me to his birthday gathering, I was so happy that time. Another time was, when my friend found out that I liked him, she asked me to go to his class together and she ask me to call him out, as she wanted to get something from him, when I called him out and turn around, my friend was gone. Luckily I saw her hiding place, or else how embarrass will I be. 

  As this is the last year of high school, we were going to have our graduation ceremony . I thought that if would be like my previous school, where we can wear something nice and dress up beautifully. But what a disappointment. No nice clothes, no ball, just uniforms and a simple ceremony. 

  I felt really left out during the whole event and bored. But, luckily something did cheer me up a little, a friend of mine which also know that I have a crush on this guy, convinced me to take picture with him by saying that we've graduated, we won't know when we will meet again.  (Sorry, I can't post the photo... :P )    

  So, this is my final year of high school. 

  A conclusion of my whole high school life. I admit that I still love my previous school more than this school, and I don't even want people to know that I graduate from this school. Most of my memories I want to remember were from my previous school. But what I got from the transfer was, I got to tryout the two different schools lifestyle, and definitely know which kind of school I should recommend to people who are going to high schools. So, this is my high school life... :) 

Just some photos from the fifth year's singing competition

(Below: He didn't want to take photos, so this is the only way to secretly take photo with him... XD)

 (Below: He looks cute don't he?)
 Some friends said we look like a couple in these photos... X) 

(Knew him since primary school)

(She's one of our judges, she was one of the winners in a Taiwanese singing competition.)

(He is our singing prince, he sings beautifully~ )
(Ah... Here I am...)

Moving on, some photos from my graduating ceremony:
