Monday 28 August 2017

A Short trip to Korea

After being so quiet for such a long time. It's time I share something to my dear viewers right? 😉

So here it is a short video about my trip to KOREA !!!

(Credits: Joe.S Photography)

Ariel's Blog

Sunday 16 April 2017

I am a light bulb - Poem 1

Picture from Google

I Am A Light bulb

I am a very bright light bulb
Bringing unicorns and rainbows out of the book
I am a very bright light bulb

I am a bright light bulb

The Unicorns ran across the beautiful rainbow
I am a bright light bulb

I am a light bulb

The unicorns met with the dark knights
I am a light bulb

I, a light bulb

What's left are the dark knights
I, a light bulb

I, was a very bright light bulb

The message behind the poem:
Being able to bring  unicorns and rainbows out of  a book, represent how imaginative and creative the poet was, and the rainbow represent how she thought of  adulthood, full of fun and adventure. But when she met the dark knights, which were the realities of the world, is where the imaginative and creativity of the poet starts to die out.

Ariel's Blog

Saturday 14 January 2017


  Am I too hush? Will they dislike me later on? Will she be angry? Will he get hurt? Will he/she/they...

  Sometimes, we just simply think too much and stress ourselves too much, or think too much for others and forget about ourselves.

  Loving our self is as important as loving others, or may be even important than loving someone else. There's a chinese saying "Love yourself before you love others, if you don't know how to love yourself, you won't be able to love someone else fully. "

  This time, we shall focus on LOVING OURSELVES. A great example of loving ourselves before loving someone else. Imagine a person doesn't love him or herself, and always do things to hurt him or herself. Won't it be a burden to be in a relationship with someone like this? Let me tell you, you might say it won't be a burden, as I love him/her. But don't forget, everyone has their limits. And what you just said is just in the beginning.

  Another example, some people will threaten the one they love by hurting themselves. If we think back, will hurting ourselves make any differences? Does it stop your other half to stop the break-up? No! Maybe some might stay, but is it because they love you? No! They stay because they don't want you to get hurt, and they take it as a responsibility instead of love.  Why hurt yourself when you know it can't change anything?

  Ways to love yourself
1. Always know your limits. 
2. Know what is good for you.
3. Pamper yourself abit sometimes, especially after hard work.
4. Find a way or someone that you can talk to and pour everything out that stresses or bothers you. 
5. Don't let anyone control your emotions.


Ariel's Blog